Renewing life after Bypass Surgery

October 23, 2023


Heart ailments are one of the most common problems that people usually experience. While most people suffered only in middle or elderly age groups primitively, now, even youngsters are suffering from heart conditions. A key reason behind this is the paradigm shift in lifestyle changes in everyone's lives. Now, a heart condition may arise at any time without any symptoms. You might even suffer a stroke or a heart attack that you never expected. If your doctor is suggesting a bypass surgery in your case, you ought to know about the same. Without much do, let's highlight the most important information on bypass surgery.


Knowing the procedure


Also called CABG, the coronary bypass procedure is an open-heart surgery very commonly performed in the majority of cases across the globe. The surgery is performed to create an alternate route for the supply of blood. This procedure is done to make a connection between the blocked artery and the blood vessels supplying the blood. As the heart is provided blood through a new path, hence, the name bypass surgery.


Post-operative phase


Immediately after the surgery, you might feel exhausted and very tired for a few weeks. The surgeons usually advise complete bed rest for a minimum of 4 weeks after the surgery. As the veins are harvested, you might feel pain in your legs as well as your chest. Other symptoms that you might experience are loss of appetite, backache, improper sleep, and stiffness in the shoulders. You might be allowed to climb upstairs or walk a little just after the discharge from the hospital. However, you can get back to your routine activities only after 6 weeks approximately. Strenuous activities must be avoided for a minimum of 3 months.


Causes and risks


The most common causes of coronary artery disease are diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, high blood pressure, smoking, and being less active. The best way to prevent coronary artery disease from happening and ultimately, the surgery, is to prevent the risk factors. You can control the risks so that your sickness isn't prolonged. The best drugs after bypass surgery are aspirin (which prevents blood clots) and statins (which control cholesterol levels). One must also stick to a healthy and balanced diet while following a proper exercise routine.


Sohana Hospital is the most reliable name when it comes to bypass surgery. With world-class operation theatres and top-notch facilities, our experienced surgeons work with anesthesiologists to deliver high-quality care. Visit us today and our cardiologist will be here to advise you.



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