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Sohana Hospital Dialysis Centre
A unit of Renal Excellence

What is Dialysis?

There are several patients who come in with peculiar symptoms of chronic kidney disease. The first point of contact are nephrologists who then conduct tests and scans such as KUB X-rays, kidney biopsy, kidney scan, kidney ultrasound, renal angiogram, and renal venogram that ascertain whether further treatment is necessary.

Often when kidneys stop functioning normally in humans, patients are referred to start dialysis. Dialysis helps a patient by purifying the blood and filtering it using a machine. This way of treatment ensures that the requisite balance between electrolytes is maintained and the fluids also remain balanced according to the body’s necessity. The waste in the blood and all the toxins are also filtered and removed by a semipermeable membrane whilst the course of dialysis.

Dialysis is also scientifically referred to as renal replacement therapy. Treatment is continued to be given for kidneys to patients because recovery has been seen in patients in some cases of acute kidney failure. Most patients feel some or no discomfort at all during dialysis. Sohana Hospital Dialysis Centre offers a comfortable experience that is completely pain free.

Signs you May Need Dialysis

Nausea & Vomiting
Loss of appetite
Fatigue and weakness
Fluctuation in urination
Chest pain
Fluid retention in the body
Shortness of breath
Swelling in feet and ankles
High Blood Pressure & Hypertension
Difficulty sleeping
Decreased mental agility
Muscle cramps
Itching & Rashes
Metallic taste in the mouth
Trouble With Memory

Dialysis at Sohana Hospital

Why get Dialysis Done at Sohana Hospital

Sohana Hospital has a state of the art Dialysis Centre which is recognised as a specialized unit of Renal Excellence.

This Unit is a perfect symbiosis of Quality Care & Medical Excellence.

Our promise is to redefine your dialysis experience with skillful technicians, best in class technology and a friendly support staff.

Our approach is outcome driven with little to no discomfort.

We recognise a need for a good atmosphere during dialysis for our patients, which is why we meet all safety standards and ensure in-house access to entertainment.
