The Path to Recovery after Contoura Vision

February 13, 2024

People who wear lenses or specs often wonder about a life with clear vision and no specs/ lenses. The journey to a clear vision may appear difficult to them but this is not true. When you make the right decision for a specs-free life, you can see clearly without the need for specs or lenses. Contoura Vision is one of those procedures that brought a sigh of relief to many. While you may be aware of the pros and cons of the procedure before undergoing the same, you might not know about the recovery phase. With a sharp vision, you get to say goodbye to your specs or lenses who were your irritating friend for years. 


Recovery Time for Contoura Vision


The criteria for undergoing Contoura Vision eye surgery is different to that of other eye procedures. While thousands of points are mapped on your cornea, the treatment is according to your specific eye structure. A majority of patients experience the benefits of Contoura Vision within a few days of the surgery. However, many others experience its benefits only after a few weeks from the day of surgery. It may take some time to see the benefits but at the end, you get the sharper and clear vision you want. 

Do’s and don’ts 

Like any other surgery, there are some do’s and don’ts after Contoura Vision surgery as well. If you underwent this surgery, you must follow the instructions from your doctor regarding the do’s and don’ts. 

  • You must prevent exposure of eyes to the sun and bright light
  • Avoid going to areas with dust and/ or air particles that may harm your eyes
  • You must use the eye drops recommended by your doctor 
  • Avoid any kind of strenuous activity for s few days
  • Do not splash the water hardly into your eyes while washing the face 

Time taken to heal

Contoura Vision is a time-saving eye surgery that can be done on an outpatient basis. The surgery does not require hospitalisation and has a quick recovery time. The accuracy and sharper vision of the procedure makes it a time-efficient procedure. There is no need for cuts or incisions and hence, it takes around 2 weeks to heal. 

Sohana Hospital has been treating patients with eye problems for more than 25 years. Our experienced ophthalmologists accurately diagnose the eye problem you are suffering from. Also, our team understands your needs before planning the treatment for your eye problem. 

Sohana Cancer Research Institute